10 June 2024

Library Rules

Library Rules

Welcome to your school library! We hope you will enjoy using the library. Here is some information that will help you to use the library better. 
  1. All staffs and students are members of the library.
  2. Reach the library from your class in lines and enter and exit quietly.
  3. Students should not bring in any other book to the library except a notebook.
  4. When books are issued, students should check the pages of the issued books and if pages are found missing, they should report the same to the librarian before leaving the counter. On returning the books, if pages are found missing, then the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and shall accordingly be fined.
  5. The library has an open access system and students are instructed not to disturb the sequence of the books on the shelves.
  6. If the book due date falls on a holiday for the library, the next working day will be taken as the due date.
  7. Reference books and current periodicals will not be issued out. It can be given on special need on a written request counter signed by HOD/ Subject / Class teacher.
  8. Books once taken from the racks should left on the table instead of keeping it back in the racks.
  9. Members are allowed to borrow one book at a time.
  10. Period of loan is 7 days.
    1. Books on loan can be recalled at any time irrespective of the period of loan at the discretion of the librarian.
    2. Loan can be renewed for a further period of 7 days, provided such document are not in demand.
    3. Sub-lending of books borrowed from the library is not permissible. They may get spoiled, damaged or lost while in somebody else's possession and may result in their late return.
    4. Members are not allowed to make mutual exchange of books.
  11. Members are allowed to make reservation for any book they need. 
  12. Each student shall obtain No Dues Certificate from the library after returning  all the books issued.
  13. Maintain silence inside the library to avoid in convenience to other users.
  14. Books should be handed with care. Marking, underlining, writing, fold pages, tear pages on books is most objectionable and may lead to the cancellation of the membership privileges.
  15. Members are responsible  for any damage caused to the document and shall be required to replace such documents or to pay the compensation charges
  16. If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay market price of the book. If a document is not returned to the library after the expiry of three months from its due date, It will be presumed lost.
  17. Keep your library neat. Clean up before you leave.
  18. Library books will be issued from 15th June. All borrowed book should be returned before 15th March
  19. All members are expected to make maximum use of library.